Saturday, April 30, 2016

New Fashion company to hit direct sales- 1 Fashion Global

You've heard of direct sales companies in weightloss, beauty, health, skin care but how often do you hear about Fashion companies in direct sales? Why is 1Fashionglobal different? 1fashionglobal originated from Barcelona and has their own line of clothing as well as a VIP line which will include top name brand authentic clothes such as Versace, Pepe Jeans, Tommy, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors at up to 50% off RV. 1Fashionglobal is an international opportunity.

This is the 1fashionglobal line

Authentic Name Brands that they carry which will include a certificate of authenticity- Fashions up to 50% off RV!


Get paid 8 ways (Yes! you can get paid for wearing and selling clothes) -Get paid 10% off of your website sales and recruits. Once you reach certain levels you can earn an iPhone, Rolex watch and even a week paid vacation to some of the hottest spots in the world! There are lots of incentives to joining the company. 

Sign up is free right now and will go back to the original fee after launch. You will need to earn 40 pts to stay active which isn't hard to do because you can earn points through your own purchase. 

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